Electronic Waste

By Walker McKnight(founder)

“When asked why they don’t recycle old devices, more than one in three (37%), of those with unused devices at home said data and security fears made them uneasy, while a quarter said they don’t recycle them because they prefer to sell them. Almost a third (29%) also said they didn’t know where to go to recycle old tech.” - https://www.rsc.org/new-perspectives/sustainability/elements-in-danger/#surveyfindings 

You shouldn’t be scared to recycle your cell phone or computer because the recycling people take measures like erasing your data to make sure your data is not exposed. Selling cell phones is fine if you have too many cell phones and need to get rid of them, but if you just want an excuse to get a new cell phone that’s not good for the environment. In order to find a site for your electronics recycling you just need to look it up but if you don’t want to here are 4 sites: https://www.protekrecycling.com/   https://www.newtonma.gov/home/showdocument?id=63703 https://www.superpages.com/newton-nh/computer-electronics-recycling https://tinyurl.com/5n8u2yaz. In conclusion, cell phones and electronics are good but people need a place to dispose of them.

The problem could be set to grow, with young people owning more items of technology than anyone else, with 52% of 16–24 year olds having 10 or more devices - ://www.rsc.org/new-phttpserspectives/sustainability/elements-in-danger/#surveyfindings

If you are in that age range and you have more then 3 devices you don’t need all of them because you only need a phone, a watch and a computer. A watch of your pick can actually be very helpful because an apple watch can text, call and basically do everything a phone can do. You don't really NEED a phone, you only WANT a phone. But you probably need a computer for school. In conclusion, Please recycle your electronics to help the environment.  


The Future Of America


Into The Woods(Chapter 1)