The Future Of America
Written by Walker McKnight(founder)
Well here’s the fact. The way I want the future of America to be and how it actually is today are two very different universes. What America is good at is making or imagining a better place. It always takes a lot of work but we can do it.
The first reason we aren’t who we want to be: race discrimination. Race discrimination continues to be a problem in the U.S.A. For example, red lining is something the government did in the 1930s and it is still causing problems today. It prevented banks from lending large amounts of money to people who lived in certain areas. But, the areas that were targeted were neighborhoods of minorities. Red lining also had other effects like less investments of nature in the red lined areas. Finally, it still affects people because even if banks try not to practice red lining they still make decisions based on the effects of the past.
Second, gender discrimination is getting better in the U.S.A judging on how Kamala Harris was chosen to be the Vice President, but people still have work to do to make the country a more equal place. Additionally, it is not just women who need more inclusive lives, transgender and gay people need better treatment too. I have no idea why anyone would discriminate against people like that just because of who they love or what gender they are. I once read a book that told a story of this boy who felt like a girl but was forced to use the boys bathroom or not go to school. So in the end this was not a negative story because I feel the message was people can be whomever they want to be.
In addition, climate change is probably one of the world's biggest problems. For example, glaciers are melting very fast. Also, permafrost is melting, releasing methane, a powerful greenhouse gas into the atmosphere. In addition, there is more global warming than ever before and it is making it so that it is so hot all the time. For example, it is killing animals and making their habitat bad for them. So in conclusion, climate change could get better in America if we tried hard enough.
Lastly, disability discrimination is a challenge in the US. It is not people’s choice to have a disability, so it’s not fair when they don’t have access to services. For example, if your dentist just stopped trying to treat you because you had a disability and you were acting differently because of your disability how would you feel? Also, people with disabilities often hear jokes and rumors about their disability. Also, sometimes people with disabilities can be fired or demoted because of their disability. It matters because America should include everybody.
I’ve gone over a bunch of reasons why our country is bad. Now I’m going to go over a bunch of reasons why our country is good.
The first reason is, living in the USA means you have the freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is a very important thing. Not many countries have the freedom of speech. We often disagree with our leaders and freedom of speech allows you to speak up against what they are saying. In many countries if you do that you’ll be arrested and possibly sentenced to death.
Another reason is, the USA has the rule of law, which is when someone is arrested or the police say they are guilty of a crime, then the president or people in high places or positions have to prove it. That is not the case in some other countries. In some countries if you get arrested you go straight to jail without a trial. Another example of the rule of law is that if you sign a contract and then don’t want to do it, the person you promised you would do something could bring you to court and make you do it.
America is also good because we have a democracy, which means that the people vote. That is also important because not many countries have it. In the USA’s democracy the people vote who the president is and no one has too much power. Also, people can freely express their religion and not be forced to practice one religion.
Also, America doesn’t have a class system. But in some countries if you are born into a poor family you can not work hard and change your class. America has a tiny class system but we aspire to have no class system so that everyone’s lives can be equal, and if we try super hard we should be able to have no class system at all.
I think America should be safe and fair, inclusive, free and a place of opportunities, and most importantly a place where everyone receives an education.
To start off with, America should be safe and fair. In America there should be no doubt that you will survive through the night. Now America is very good at assuring you live but, for example, connecting back to my race paragraph, people of color know that if they are caught stealing it would be a higher punishment than if a white person was caught stealing.This is not fair because everyone should be equal under the law.
Secondly, America should be as inclusive as it can be. In America you should never feel like you can’t do something because of something about you. Also, you should never let people say you can’t do something because of something about you either. In addition, never convince yourself that you can’t do something because someone said you can’t. For example, if you’re applying for a job and someone who also wants the job and they say you can’t do it because of something, don’t let that put you down because that is not true and not inclusive. In conclusion, you should never let someone put you down because of something about you and America should create a system where people aren’t put down because of something about them.
Thirdly, America should be free and a place of opportunity. Being free and thinking you are free are two completely different things. For example, connecting back to my freedom of speech paragraph, some people say you have freedom of speech but actually you sort of don’t. For example, if you say your opinion sometimes if others disagree you can get in social trouble. Also, roe vs wade being overturned, well that’s not fair because people should have the choice to get an abortion. Now America shouldn’t just be fair it should also be a place of opportunity. For example, you should get to do whatever you want for work even if you don’t have much opportunity when you're born. You should also know that America is a place where you can do whatever you want no matter where you came from. In conclusion, you’ve always got to believe that America is a place of freedom and opportunities and it will be.
Lastly and most importantly, in America everybody should receive an education. As I have said, America is in some ways not fair. One of the most pronounced examples of that is that not everybody receives an education. Most people receive an education but there are huge gaps in between fortunate people like the kids who go to CHS(my private school) and there are public schools that need better funding. Also, college costs a fortune when really it should not cost so much. Colleges should also have more student participating fundraisers and we should figure out a way to lower the cost of college. In conclusion, there should be a better cost for better schools.
In conclusion, people say that America is bad, and I agree that we have big problems. But if we work really hard we can improve greatly so everyone is equal and in our generation we can make America much much better.