The Russia Ukraine War

By Walker McKnight(founder)

There has been a war raging in Europe for more than two years. This war is between Russia and Ukraine. Russia is trying to take over Ukraine in order to start reuniting a group that called themselves the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union broke up in 1990, and ever since 2000, when Vladimir Putin took office, Russia has been looking to expand its ‘sphere of influence’ in order to create a power structure that looks like the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union consisted of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan. 

Russia is the main country that is trying to reunite the Soviet Union, by pushing back borders and invading big cities, but Belarus is helping Russia by letting Russia bring troops through their country. Belarus is West of Russia and North of Ukraine, so this is a huge help to Russia. Belarus was in the Soviet Union, and Belarus seems to want to reunite it too. The status of the war is mostly a stalemate, because Russia has more resources and people, but Ukraine has better tactics and is more passionate about protecting their people. Ukraine is also just trying to hold back the Russian troops and keep their land. 

Ukraine is led by Volodymyr Zelensky. Volodymyr was born on January 25, 1978 to a Jewish, Ukrainian family. Later in life he was an actor and comedian. Then, in 2019, he won the election and was inaugurated on the 20th of May, 2019. 

Russia is led by Vladimir Putin. Vladimir was born on October 7, 1952. Earlier in his life he was a follower of Slavic paganism, but he has converted to Christianity. Before becoming president, he was a politician and intelligence officer. He has been a prime minister or president since 1999. 

Both countries are very powerful and both could win this terrible war.


Into The Woods(Chapter 1)